So..this cute lil mesh outfit has become my favorite from Envious, I wasn't too sure about it at first, as I couldn't get the dang thing to fit! B…
Read moreSuper cute mesh outfit, Jasmina comes with 2 colors of joggers, also with bunches of sizes. Also comes with a bag [which isn't pictured]. Ou…
Read moreSo...I've been a Sexeh Model at Delirium Style off & on for 2 years now just about, and this has been one of the best outfits Chirstel has made! Th…
Read moreI just recently found out about Badazzle Designs, and the awesomeness that Kat Evangeline creates. I saw Dorktard..and bought it..cos you know of course I…
Read moreI absolutely LOVE hoodies in RL, And I saw this released at Marley Clothing Company and just had to have it! Outfit: Marley - Fall For Me Hair: Tr…
Read moreThis is one of my favorite outfits from Marley, It's called "Control Me". It comes with the awesomesauce mesh sneakers & bracelet. :)…
Read moreBitchTail is my addiction...mhm. I've been shopping there over 2 years now, and I absolutely love the store & designer. Miss Tiff Renfold is alwa…
Read moreSo..I found a store on marketplace that has a bunch of 1L things, such as swimsuits, complete avatars, guys swim trunks. I thought I'd share some of th…
Read moreDelirium Style released a new outfit called "Linda". It features a necklace, sheer tank top, bra, panties, and a long skirt. It's very cute,…
Read moreDelirium Style has released a ton of new releases. This is one of them, It's called "Feel Me". It includes gloves, 2 belts, and the bo…
Read moreI've been looking at this shirt for a lil while now, and I finally decided to buy it. It says "Ur sexy & u know it? NO BITCH. Ur Slutty &am…
Read moreHellooo. So this is my FIRST post on my new bloggy. I figured that I should make a REAL fashion blog. So Marley Clothing Company released a new outfit …
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