Hi Ladies! I have some new jeans from Pixelites Inc to share with yall. They are called "Ari Jeans" and come in Tan Leopard, Dark Blue Leopard, B…
Read moreHi Ladies! I've got some new tops from Patchwork . These awesome cute tops are called "Liz" and they are 60L$ for the Gatcha Machine in the st…
Read moreHi Ladies! Forbidden Closet has 2 hot items out at The Boobies Planet . First is "Day Outfit", and then we have "Ellie". Both include ta…
Read moreHi Ladies! So I am now an official blogger for Style X , I've shopped at this store since like forever and I'm so excited to blog for them. Anyhow, …
Read moreHi Ladies! Rabbit Hole Sales Room is open, Sugar & Cyanide has a hot outfit there called "We're All Mad Here". Everything at Rabbit Hole …
Read moreHi Ladies! Today is a lazy day in my house as it's pouring rain and stormy. So I figured I'd blog these super cute new sweatpants from Patchwork . T…
Read moreHi Ladies! Delirium Style has released some swimsuits, I love these ones. They are nonmesh and come with lolas tango appliers, the colors they come in are …
Read moreGood Afternoon Ladies! I have an awesome new outfit from Kennedy's to share with yall. Kennedy just released this awesome outfit today, this is most de…
Read moreHi Ladies! I really apologize, I know I haven't blogged much in the last couple days. Real Life has been a bit hectic the last few weeks. But it's s…
Read moreBack again with some goodies from J'adore at Hello Titty Slots . Enjoy! ❤ On Berry: Hair: Magika - Mint [01] Skin: Glam Affair - Lulu (Jamaic…
Read moreI'm back again with more awesomeness from Hello Titty Slots . What I'm sharing with yall now is some awesome tops from Kennedy's which are at Hell…
Read moreHi Ladies! Hello Titty Slots has opened. This is the first ever boobie friendly There are tons of awesome stores participating in this event, this is the …
Read moreHi Guys! As of tomorrow (the 17th) I will be on vacation for a few days. I'm going on a road trip! But I will blog when I have time, have no fear though…
Read moreHi Ladies & Dudes! I'm back again, except this time I got my hubby with me! One of my absolute favorite stores Badazzle Designs is participating in …
Read moreHi Ladies! Part B - Round 1 of Fashion Wardrobe has started. In this post I am sharing one of [DeJaaVu]'s items with yall. I am sharing "Yasmin&qu…
Read moreHi Ladies, Pink Sugah has some hot items out at the new round of Lubbly Jubblies . It starts July 15th, and there are 3 packs of awesome items. So make sur…
Read moreHi Ladies! This is my first time ever really blogging an event. I'm blogging the Summer Break Festival as you all can plainly see, it begins on the 15t…
Read moreHi Ladies, Just wanted to let you all know that Zombie Suicide is having a sale. All of the older piercings are 50% off from today until July 14th, I…
Read moreHi Ladies! Sugar & Cyanide has some really hot things out at Stuff In Stock Discount Event . So I am sharing with yall a hot Minnie outfit (Includes: Me…
Read moreI have been Zombified... Zombie Suicide that is! You've seen me wearing this or that from Isis Zamin's (aka Zombie Suicide herself) collection. I love…
Read moreHey Ladies! I'm back again, Badazzle Designs has come out with a hot dress pack, as well as a new shape. We will start off with the shape, this shape i…
Read moreHi Ladies! As you can probably see we've underwent some changes here. I hope yall like our new look! Anyhow 2 awesome stores that I blog for (Sugar &…
Read moreHi Hi! So I'm waiting for my hubby to come home, and I'm board as hell. I figured I'd share one of the awesome hot new tube tops from Kennedy…
Read moreHey Ladies! Sugar & Cyanide has released some hot dresses called "Roxie". This is a mesh dress, but you get 5 sizes and an alpha so it'll…
Read moreHey Ladies! There is this new awesome event called Fashion Wardrobe . It runs from July 1st - July 13th and a new round starts on the 15th. This event was s…
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