Hiya Ladies! So [Beyond The Stars] Designs is at the Designer Showcase. It's sexy as hell, so I figured I should share it with yall. This sexy outfit is c…
Read moreHiya Ladies! I can't sleep, so I figured I'd do some posts for yall. Bitch Tail has released a super cute outfit just for Pre-Release. It's called…
Read moreHey Ladies! Miss Kennedy of Kennedy's has released some super sexy corsets. They are called "Dare Corset", and come in black, blue, pink, purple…
Read moreHiya Ladies! I've got a super cute new Bitch Tail outfit to show yall. It was released last night, I'm totally in love with it. But I put my own twist…
Read moreHiya Ladies! So you all know Easter is just a day away, and that there are some really hot bunny outfits in SL. But I can guarantee none are as awesome as wha…
Read moreHiya Ladies & Dudes! I have a super awesome post to share with yall today, why you ask? Well because as you can see I got a sexy guest with me and his nam…
Read moreHiya Ladies! Been digging through my inventory, and I found these hot stompers from Latreia Foot Fashions. They are called "Lilith" and include an a…
Read moreHiya Ladies! So I went wandering around the [Beyond The Stars] Designs main store, and found this super cute outfit I wanted to share with yall. It's call…
Read moreHi Ladies! So I went to Acid Lily today and found a couple cute things, which I would love to share with yall. First I found a super cute mesh studded vest &a…
Read moreHiya Ladies! I mean to share the [Hush] Skins releases with yall a while ago, but it totally slipped my mind. *facedesks* So I'm sharing it with yall now.…
Read moreHiya Ladies! This one was released a while ago, about a year ago if I'm remembering correctly. I always meant to get it but never got the chance to. This …
Read moreHiya Ladies! Yes It's me again lmao. I have tons more Bitch Tail stuff to share with yall. This outfit I'm about to share with yall is a cute new rele…
Read moreHi Ladies! So Bitch Tail is participating in a hunt called "It's A Mad Mad World Hunt". This hunt runs from March 1st to the 31st, and I'm s…
Read moreHiya Ladies! Yup, I've got something else to share with yall. It's actually a easter mash-up of a limited Delirium Style outfit, and some super cute e…
Read moreHiya Ladies! I know with my previous post I said I would not be posting as much as I used to, which is totally going to be difficult. But as I have the spare …
Read moreHi Ladies! I have a super cute new outfit from Just Pale to share with yall, it is called Gaia. Gaia is super cute complete outfit which includes a bolero, la…
Read moreHi Ladies! I have a super cute jacket set from .:LoLa:. Creations to share with yall, It's called "colored sports jackets"...I really love em as…
Read moreHey Ladies...me again LOL! I got a super cute mini skirt from .:LoLa:. Creations to share with yall! I really love this, and it's perfect for St. Pattys d…
Read moreHi Ladies! It's Wednesday, so yall know what that means...time to share some awesomeness from [Beyond The Stars] Designs @ GFW - Jersey Shore...woot woot.…
Read moreHi Ladies. I know i haven't bloged for a few days, I apologize...but I have 2 awesome new releases from .:LoLa:. Creations to share with yall! First are t…
Read moreHi Ladies. So I got bored and decided to shop a bit on marketplace, I found a super cute outfit from Lola Creations for 180L$ and I just have to to share it w…
Read moreHey Ladies! So today I'm off from rl work as the little ones have a snow day, so I thought I'd do some blogging. Delirium Style released some super cu…
Read moreHi Ladies, So today I became a blogger for Lola Creations...as you can probably tell because I have the store logo up now! I am super excited and I have 2 hot…
Read moreHi Ladies! I have some goodies from Infamous Designs to share with yall. First I will share the super cute outfit from Pre-Release, It's called "Fin…
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