Hey Ladies!
Forbidden Closet Designs has released a hot new outfit. This outfit is called "Game Over". Included is a top, lolas tango applier, lush applier, mesh skirt (5 sizes), heels, shoe base, alpha layers, and a skin hud for the heels. I love this outfit...hop on over to Forbidden Closet Designs and pick it up!
On Berry:
- Hair: Magika [01] Calm
- Skin: [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Victoria ] - [ Rainbow Peach TDR ]
- Lipstick: :Z.S: Firework Lips
- Shape: .:Panda Punx:. Body Shop Roxanne Shape
- Boobs: Lolas ::: Tango ::: Mesh Breasts
- Nails: *Sexy Mamas* Manicure - Sculpted Prim Nails
- Outfit: Forbidden Closet Designs - Game Over