Hiya Ladies! So spring is finally here, well in Minnesota anyways. It was 71 freakin' degrees today, so I spent the day out with my family. Now that I…
Read more*drum rolls* YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Hiya Ladies & Dudes, We've been talking about doing this forever and now finally we've done it! I…
Read moreHey Ladies! As you all can probably tell Berry's Closet has underwent a name change. We are now called "Shopaholics Anonymous SL". We also have …
Read moreHiya Ladies! I know I haven't blogged much lately, I'm a bad girl. *hangs her head in shame* But I've been wanting to share this outfit with yall,…
Read moreHiya Ladies! So Zombie Suicide has released some super cute rompers, as well as a mask for Perfect Wardrobe...so I wanted to share them both with yall! The ro…
Read moreHey Ladies, I'm back again! I have a hot new release from Delirium Style to share as well as some cute hair from [e]. I will start off with my super cute …
Read moreHiya Ladies! I meant to share this with yall the day it was released, but I got caught up in some things. *sadfacie* But I'm doing it now, this hot outfit…
Read moreHey Ladies, me again! So I meant to blog this awesome D-Style outfit by Christel Morane a few days ago, as well as my cool Latreia sneakers by Hera Aviatik. N…
Read moreHiya Ladies! I have a new super cute outfit from Bitch Tail to share with yall, It's called "Worthwhile". I am sharing the gray color with yall…
Read moreHiya Ladies! I got some newness from Kennedy's to share with yall, 2 hot new outfits. These hot outfits are called "Cross" and "Dare".…
Read moreGood Morning Ladies! So I became a blogger for [FIEND] Fashon woooot! \o/ I was checking out the store the other night, and found this super cute sweat outfit…
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